100 Things Avalanche Fans Should Know & Do Before They Die (100 Things...Fans Should Know)

100 Things Avalanche Fans Should Know & Do Before They Die (100 Things...Fans Should Know)

B. inggris I think school is a wonderful place to study and gain knowledge. School is perfect for engaging in interactions between students, teachers, staffs, and many more too. School is a place where children can get information about a subject easily with teachers who understand their field of study and are always be ready to help the students if they are in need. Of course school is going to have it's down sides such as having too much homework or maybe even some punishments that are way too far (this is uncommon but sometimes do happen in some schools) but besides that, school is a great place to gain what you need for the future, which is education.​

I think school is a wonderful place to study and gain knowledge. School is perfect for engaging in interactions between students, teachers, staffs, and many more too. School is a place where children can get information about a subject easily with teachers who understand their field of study and are always be ready to help the students if they are in need. Of course school is going to have it's down sides such as having too much homework or maybe even some punishments that are way too far (this is uncommon but sometimes do happen in some schools) but besides that, school is a great place to gain what you need for the future, which is education.​


Saya pikir sekolah adalah tempat yang indah untuk belajar dan menimba ilmu. Sekolah sangat cocok untuk terlibat dalam interaksi antara siswa, guru, staf, dan banyak lagi. Sekolah adalah tempat dimana anak-anak dapat memperoleh informasi tentang suatu mata pelajaran dengan mudah dengan guru yang memahami bidang studinya dan selalu siap membantu siswa jika mereka membutuhkan. Tentu saja sekolah akan memiliki sisi buruk seperti memiliki terlalu banyak pekerjaan rumah atau mungkin bahkan beberapa hukuman yang terlalu jauh (ini jarang terjadi tetapi kadang-kadang terjadi di beberapa sekolah) tetapi selain itu, sekolah adalah tempat yang bagus untuk mendapatkan apa kamu butuhkan untuk masa depan, yaitu pendidikan.


arti nya kan
